Friday, February 09, 2007

driven to distraction

i can't concentrate. jacqueline went out for dinner with a friend of ours last night, and came back to report that her son had been diagnosed with ADD. i'm not sure exactly what that means, psychologically or medically, but i'm getting a sense of what it might be like to experience living in that right at this moment. j has a theory, which i think isn't half-bad, that the internet and its short-term surfability, its ability to condition us to expect interruptions (popups, flash movies, you have mail) impacts our long term attention capacity. if she's right, then my day today might be considered data for the theory.

i've been sitting in front of these notes for my cognitive science exam all morning, banging my head against my cognitive wall, and the fact of my lack of will, and am trying - though i recognize i'm not trying very hard - to make sense of what i'm reading. and i'm sitting in front of my laptop, which might actually be the root of my problem. but anyway, i've now checked my gmail a million times, read through pretty much every rss feed that's come through on my reader, checked out the goings on on a premed forum, paid some bills, applied to u of t for undergraduate admission, in case this med school thing doesn't pan out, and now i'm blogging. surely this is the outer edge of procrastination.

at what point do i get to label it clinical? and can someone give me a prescription for this?


Anonymous said...

It's a good title for a song or poem.I have found the two blogs about us...Rothko, chickens in perfect portions,Emily and tulips...loved all of them...
Prescription for your special ADD:
Gaborzin 2.5 mg, take four times a day with Tuborg in a can.
Your admirer

urbandrifter said...

now *that's* a prescription i can get behind. :)