Saturday, April 28, 2007

it's only a couple more days (get over yourself)

i hate cognitive science. no - i mean, i HATE cognitive science. it's not that the stuff isn't interesting (it is). it's not even that i find the prof annoying, pompous, and ineffectual (i do). it's more that it's my last exam and i feel like i know the stuff already and i'm fighting my inner 2-year-old who is adamantly protesting the fact that i have to jump through hoops like studying and exam-writing to finish this stupid course which i probably shouldn't have taken in the first place. and yeah, i know this will all pass by monday eve, and i'll be glad to have done it, and i'll get to feel the release of having wrapped a rather long and grueling course. but in the meantime, i feel like embracing my internal temper tantrum and jumping up and down, and screaming at the top of my lungs "BUT I DON'T WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

phew. that feels better.

the ramones - i wanna be sedated

1 comment:

jen said...

oooh, that itchy feeling in your spine that's sooo hard to ignore!

good luck on monday!