my aunt is in town. she calls pretty faithfully, as does my uncle, whenever they happen to pass through whatever city i'm living in. i know them not at all, or rather, i know them only from the vantagepoint of a set of memories a quarter of a century old.
the challenge has always been how to avoid discussion of boyfriends and marriage. how to seem perfectly well-adjusted - and perfectly in the closet. i tell myself it's because i don't see them enough for it to matter. i tell myself that it's for my 93-year-old catholic grandmother's sake. i tell myself that they're not politically equipped to deal with it, and i don't want to be the one to explain it to them. all of the above, of course, is bullshit. especially when you consider that i'm also not out to my other uncle, the one on my mom's side, whose immediate family - save his partner, me, and my sister - is all dead.
i don't tell them because i'm scared to. i wonder if it isn't time to do something about that.
the tragically hip - scared
Is it possible your family already knows? I mean, you've got no husband, no boyfriend, no kids, and you're in your mid-30s, so they surely think something. Is it better to be an old maid than be queer? ;)
yeah. they probably do. but would prefer old maid to dyke.
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