Saturday, April 14, 2007


on my bike on my way home this morning from last night's midnight shift, city streets empty save for a few souls who might be waking, might be heading home. the city smells different when the asphalt is cleared of people. i'm not a morning person but i do like being up for the night's end, for that 5 minute fadeout as streetlights become redundant. i don't know if it's the light or my own fatigue, but the world seems somehow more innocent, more primitive, more hopeful in the bleary light of 6 am than it ever does when it's fully awake.

and because i'm clearly a little bleary-eyed and sentimental myself this morning, a little early tom waits

ps. a little word of the day i was gifted with last night: pukeatrocious. i think this could be my new favourite.

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